Monday, December 28, 2009
Do Over
Maybe it is a fitness routine you need to begin or begin again…maybe you messed it things up so many times before you are afraid to revisit that idea or go farther with what you do know. Maybe it is your work or the kids or a relationship, it really doesn’t matter because all of it contributes to your over all health. Look, there are some things we do right and we don’t forget them we just need to take a fresh look at those good things and bad and make sure it works the way it should. The pace of an exercise, the time you do it, the frequency of that exercise, all can be changed to gather a different result. The point is starting over, “doing it over”, gives us an opportunity to grow, learn and move ahead. If it is simply exercise we are talking about and losing weight, that is an easy fix but for some maybe fitness goes a bit deeper than just the superficial. It is not all about the body…it is your mind and your spirit that may need a do over and all those elements coming together make all the difference in your health. Take a moment and forgive yourself any mistakes and just say “do over” and try this again with a mindset and a commitment to doing it right and making it through the rough parts this time and getting to the goal you really want. It isn’t just about powering through one exercise or some type of pain or discomfort in one aspect of life, it is about have a fulfilling life of health and joy and learning that no matter what you have attempted in the past and think you failed in accomplishing, that you can go back and have the success you desire.
Our fitness lives can be very rewarding if we apply ourselves, but look beyond that and know we are not just how we look. There is much more to being healthy than the look. So whether it is something you are working on at this moment, from yesterday, last week, last year or more, if you don’t have a peace about it you need to say “do over” and give yourself the chance to succeed and get things right for your health and balanced well being.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Get on The Ball
No matter the type of exerciser you are one of the best things you can do for a stale routine is get on the ball, literally.Exercise balls are one of the best pieces of equipment that you can use and buy. Everything you do on a machine, every muscle you used can be tested and worked out on a ball or a movement using a ball. The challenge for most folks is getting over their fear because the ball moves. It rolls, it bounces, it is not as stable as sitting on a 200-500lbs. machine to do a leg press but really, that is the point.
Using the ball for your routine will force you to use your core muscles (ones you don't even see) to stabilize the ball and yourself as you do an exercise. This will present new challenges to the same old movements you already know. Don't panic, start simple. Try just sitting on the ball with some dumbbells and do some curls and or lateral raises or just put the weights on the floor and try doing some crunches on the ball. All the "fancy" moves are just moves you do all the time but on a stable surface so you can work up to them as you build confidence. Still not feeling too secure? If you have stability issues definitely take your time, but know this is something you can do even if you need to get someone to help you in the beginning. Ask a trainer at a gym to help you and if doing this at home, then just practice sitting on the ball until you get a feel for it. Brace you feet against something stable so you wont roll around as much as you think you might. You will be surprised how quickly you can adapt to the being on the ball and the boost that it can give to the same old dull routine.
Monday, October 5, 2009
10 Things To Do

1. Don’t skip meals- If you are skipping meals you lose, period. You need eat 4-6 times a day, healthy balanced meals, which include carbs, proteins and fat. If you think you eat right and you don’t see results guess what…you need to change how you eat.
2. Stop obsessing over scale weight- People see that number on the scale and they have a moment of euphoria or prolonged feeling of deep depression. It is a number, a tool you can use to make assessments and changes to your routine. It does not define who and what you are like you think it does. Go find out your body fat percentage and learn the difference between fat loss and weight loss.
3. Get off your butt- Start moving. Burn some calories, go for a walk, lift a couple of gallons of milk in the house, it doesn’t matter just get off the couch and burn some calories.
4. Sleep a solid 8- If you are not getting enough rest your body cannot function properly. It screws up everything. Let your body take the time it needs to recover from workouts and everyday daily stress. If you don’t get good sleep chances are you will have a tough time losing pounds the way you would like or even gaining them if that is your goal.
5. Drink water- Really…your body is made up of mostly water. Your cells and muscles all mostly water. Do yourself a huge favor and learn to drink at least the daily recommended 8 glasses. Sip from the time you get up in the morning and throughout the day until you hit the sheets again.
6. Get a trainer- You might think I say this because I am a trainer…you are right. I know what a good trainer can help you accomplish. You want to see some real changes or get some new things to do that will help you reach a goal then suck it up buttercup and get a trainer.
7. Stop the fad diets- Man oh man I read more diet books than I really care to. I have to just to answer questions people have about these fad diets. These things have a short life. They may work for awhile in some cases, but most are not so healthy. Be smart, read up on diets before just doing one you hear about, ask a professional what they think of them and be careful fad diets are just that…fads, they don’t last and neither do results.
8. Shop healthy- Shop the perimeter of the store…most all the other stuff in the middle of the store is the stuff that adds unwanted pounds. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, fish, dairy and whole grains are best. All the processed stuff you need to try and avoid. I know its good but it is bad too.
9. Lift weights- You don’t have to lift heavy weights or be a power lifter or bodybuilder but you need to challenge your muscles with some resistance. You will get more benefit from just a little weight lifting than if you did just cardio all the time by itself.
10. Make the time- Don’t have the time? All these suggestions sound good but you can’t do all that… “W”-whatever. You need to make a decision as to what you want. Keep complaining about how bad you look and feel and blame everything and everyone else or make the time to give to yourself something that will improve the quality of your life. Make the time to do the right things for you.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Hard Gainers
Being dedicated to a particular goal means making choices to fulfill your desire. As long as the desire is a healthy one and you can keep a perspective and a balance to your goals you can move in a direction that takes you to them. So in trying to gain size and weight first and foremost your eating habits would have to change. You must eat balanced and healthy and depending on your circumstance you must eat a fair amount of food. You do not gorge yourself but you eat smart directed toward gaining healthy weight and size fueling the body to make positives gains in lean muscle weight and still maintain a good body fat percentage.
You should change your routine if you are trying to gain size. There are all kinds of power routines and suggestions to get you size and while they might work for some people they may not be best for you. Find what works for you or talk to a trainer with some experience in this area. Yes you may have to lift heavy but not as often and not for as many sets or reps as you are trying now. Trying to gain means giving your body what it needs to recover from strenuous workouts. Plenty or rest between sessions and not overtraining body parts makes for greater gains along with proper nutrition.
Exercising doesn’t mean just lifting weights, it means doing things smart. There are many schools of thought here but mine is from the inside out. Eat well lift right. I see many young men trying to “get big” and doing things that in the long run will hurt them. Exercising to get big still requires form and thinking to make solid lasting gains in size without getting hurt. Hard gainers will find moving up in size, quality size, is hard work, but very rewarding. Remember that getting size for size sake is not just about gaining weight. It is about creating a healthy balance between what your body naturally does and what goals you establish yourself based on those factors.
So think about this if you are thin and find it hard gaining weight. Learn what foods do for you if you eat well. Learn how to lift to accomplish your goals safely and remember you are blessed with a good body you just want to move it to the next level. If you want to be a bodybuilder that is fine…learn what that takes naturally because it IS NOT about taking a shot! There are no short cuts just good ole fashion hard workouts.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Labor Day weekend for me is all about that perspective on life and the blessing I have physically. Since I was a boy I have watched the Jerry Lewis Telethon for MDA and I have always been moved by the efforts to help people with Muscular Dystrophies so much so, that it shaped the major decisions in my life in what I do and what I can do with my abilities to help others learn, participate and be successful at making a healthier life. You may not enjoy the show, you may not like the host, you don’t even have to watch but I hope you won’t let that rob you of a chance to gain or regain some balance in your thinking about having the good fortune to be able to move as you do.
There are so many great organizations that are out there that try to help people. So many causes we almost can become numb to them all. Try to remember it isn’t just about the money these organizations raise; it is about helping your friends, your families and your communities. All of us can be affected with muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer or a host of other things at any time so it does matter to us all. Be aware of your opportunity to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and having a body that responds to you the way it does. If you want to donate…do it! You waste more money on other things that never give back and you know it, but if you do not want to donate I hope you do gain a perspective on all you have in life, what is most important and for those things… you are thankful.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Make The Decision
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Age Doesn't Matter

Monday, August 17, 2009
Get In The Game

Friday, August 14, 2009
"Am I Doing This Right?"
Use the mirrors. I know you might not want to look at yourself and or you think your balance is better if you are looking at the ground but the mirror is a tool and there for you to watch your form. You can see when your shoulders are too high or your back is slumped. Use that mirror to make sure your form perfect.
Keep a good posture. If you are standing and sitting up straight and you are keeping your core engaged (abs, back, hips, shoulders) then you are already 80% done with your exercise. Having good posture is essential in almost every you are doing in the gym so make it a focus.
Slow down the movement and make sure you are feeling it in the muscle you are trying to work before zipping through the exercise. If you experiencing discomfort in your neck while working your arms then guess what…something is a little off. Relax, re-adjust yourself and concentrate on whatever muscle group you are working so that you feel the movement where you are supposed to and not in other spots.
The expression, I am sure you have heard of, “no pain, no gain”, does not apply here at all. To make sure you are doing exercises correctly follow these simple steps and try not to over think it all and mostly have fun. Keep looking to for fitness tips and hints to ensure you are getting the most from your workouts and that you are doing things correctly and progressing in your fitness. Train smart, have fun and be fit.
Monday, August 10, 2009
5 tips to burn fat today!
1. Eat - Yup I said it…you have to eat to lose weight. So many think it is about what they have to deprive themselves of. Eating is a lifestyle so if you eat balanced and consistent throughout the day you will provide the right calories and breakdown of nutrients so that your body can burn and keep your weight stable.
2. Go for a brisk 30 minute walk - going for a walk is a great thing. If you can get out and just take a walk around the neighborhood you will burn calories. Make it a brisk walk and burn even more. Get out and give yourself 30 minutes to just unwind and breathe.
3. Drink plenty of water - So simple people don’t want to believe it. Drinking water helps all the plumbing work right in the body. If you are hydrated you body runs so much smoother and easier. Drinking water helps fill you up so you don’t over eat but also allows for natural processes within the body to occur that help in the metabolizing of fat. Drink water.
4. Plan tomorrows meals - Folks are always in such a rush. Catching a bite on the go can make or break your weight loss goals. If you take 5 minutes and plan out what you will have to eat tomorrow the chances of you blowing up your calories is less likely. You just have to make a plan and stay on it.
5. Get a good 8 hours sleep - If you deprive yourself of sleep you are going to have a tough time functioning at a high level, comfortably at least. We all have learned to power thru a day when dead tired, but doing that takes away from your body’s ability to burn fat at optimal levels. Give your body that time it needs to recover and rest and you will be filled with more energy and find that all you do goes a little smoother, not just in terms of fat loss but in all your activities.
Friday, August 7, 2009
A Unique Fitness Challenge For A Good Cause
We are all at different levels and face these challenges in different ways, but the appreciation here comes in knowing that while someone might be at a different level than you are, they are still striving to better themselves. Other times we have challenges that honestly we cannot face alone. We need a someone to teach us how to eat right so losing that 10 lbs becomes more manageable or we need a spotter to stand over and make sure when we try to lift that 100 lbs we don’t get stuck underneath it. It does not mean we are weak, it is just a place we are unable to manage by ourselves and this becomes an opportunity for others to share the challenge with you and help you get better.
I say all of that because a friend of mine has taken up a fitness challenge of her own. It is not a challenge so much focused on her, as it is a challenge to help others. She has committed to do the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk. We have all known someone touched by cancer such as friends or family or even being challenged with it yourself, so we all know this is one of those challenges that people need a spotter, teacher or even more importantly a friend to help them through it all. This is challenge is greater than losing 10 lbs or trying to lift 100 lbs, this is life.
My friend, Christina, is not a marathon runner, she is not a bodybuilder, she is a single, working mom who wanted to help make a difference in lives by taking up a fitness challenge for a cause. Walking for three days in a row for a total of 60 miles is daunting if you have never done it. She will be sore, but she will push through because of her commitment of wanting to help. She will get tired but she will keep going because she knows the people she walks for are tired too and may not be able to walk right now.
My question and challenge to you is can you appreciate the commitment and effort that Christina is putting forth for others she knows are faced with life and death challenges.
Can you understand what it takes to make it through an hour in the gym doing what you do to maintain your fitness level and then translate that to walking 60 miles in three days…not for you, but for complete strangers. Let’s bring that home a bit…not a stranger but your sisters, cousins, aunts, mothers, grandmothers…what if they were stricken with the challenge of Breast Cancer? How much more would you appreciate what people do in these three days to raise money and awareness if it directly affected you or your family?
If you can appreciate and do appreciate the effort, the desire and the compassion, take a look at the following link: You will make your own choices from there but if you can, know that any support given is truly appreciated and helps us find a cure for breast cancer.
This challenge is not about losing 10 lbs or lifting enormous weights or trying to look like a fitness model it is about the over all well being and health we all get one shot at having. We are given the opportunity to promote our best health and this makes us all the more aware of what it is like for people struggling with their own health.
Help where you can and like my friend make a commitment to something beyond the gym and beyond you. Know what it means to be part of a real fitness community; one that supports not just your health but one that supports your family.
Good Shoes

Monday, August 3, 2009
Bored with Cardio?

Once your body gets used to doing the same thing over and over, you fail to get all the benefits you can from your cardio.
So how about we mix it up a bit?
Look at it like buying a new pair of shoes. At first they might not bend or move as easily as you would like but after wearing them for a while they start to break in and move with you a bit easier until eventually those new shoes feel like slippers….oh that feels so good.
So let’s just look at cardio in a similar way. Try varying the pace of your cardio and do some interval training twice a week or try a machine you do not normally use. If you are used to going fast try going slower but at a different incline to change resistance. If you are a runner, try walking. Basically try on a new machine, movement or pace (aka new pair of shoes) a couple of times a week and mix up your cardio to keep your mind, body and workouts fresh.
The Plank

This exercise will develop strength in your core, shoulders and arms. It can be a challenging exercise that once you master will give you greater strength and stability in your abdominal region and lower back and help you perform almost every other exercise you do.
Target areas: Abdominals and spinal erectors
How do you do the Plank?
- Lying flat on your stomach;
- Arms at the side of the body bent at the elbows so that your hands are directly under your shoulders
- Toes are on the floor directly under the heel
- Tighten your abs and lift your body so that your upper arms are at a 90 degree angle to the floor and you are balancing on your forearms and toes.
- Elbows should be directly under shoulders
- Your body while raised from the ground should form a straight line from head to toe
- Keep the whole body tight and continue to breathe while holding yourself up for 10 seconds
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
When Third Finishes First!

Now Mr. Armstrong is not everyone’s cup of tea and I appreciate that, but at the same time his story is remarkable any which way you tell it, and his return to the Tour this year had some folks happy and some rather skeptical. I chose to look at it strictly from an athletic performance standpoint. To leave a sport at your height, not engage in that competitive atmosphere for 3 plus years and to come back and still be among the top in the world to me is astounding. Being a decade older and more than some of his competitors and still able to finish in third place over all was inspiring to me.
Some may think because of his previous 7 wins that coming back would be and easy thing and that winning would be a fore gone conclusion, but that was not the case and honestly I find it a greater feat that he was more of a complete professional and knew how to handle himself over the three weeks better than most anyone in the race. He recognized there were some stronger competitors in the race and that he wouldn’t win without full team support and even with tension within his own team, he still played a team role.
His presence really controlled all that were in the race and for the sport his presence was completely impactful from TV revenues, ratings and the live crowds drawn to this year’s tour. Alberto Contador, this years winner, was strong and spectacular in his win, but to the men who took second, third, fourth and fifth I found their drive to be more inspiring and captivating than anything else and of course Mr. Armstrong’s performance seemed to be the catalyst for those other great performances this year.
The amount of attention Lance Armstrong can generate for his sport, for the fight against cancer with his Livestrong Foundation, for the pressure his being in that race applies to everyone else involved makes third place, this year, a first place finish. Learn more about the Livestrong Foundation at
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What’s the word?
The word is balance. We have to balance when we walk, what we eat, our checkbooks, family time, work time, work-out time and “me” time; it just keeps going on and on, balance, balance, balance!
The problem is we have so many things we are worried about and place a priority on, that we tend to get ourselves out of balance easily and very quickly. Coming from the fitness perspective it is difficult to make changes and have effective workouts if you are not focused, centered and stable during exercise. This absolutely translates over into everything else in life. We need to find that spot where movement is fluid and concentrated. It is from that point everything else can and hopefully will fall into place a lot easier.
When in the gym the focus should be on creating that healthy lifestyle and for 30-60 minutes of exercise, without letting everything else infringe on that time. This will provide an opportunity to release stress, increase energy and create a look and feel that can reward us with greater health and confidence. The other things that hold priority in life are much more easier to take if we feel good about ourselves.
Make the list of your priorities and then try to budget your time and energy to create the balance you want for you. Give your health a top priority and give something good to yourself first so that those other things in life won’t be able to knock you off center and take you out of balance.
Tune into our website in August to learn more about how balance revolves around your core.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Gym Etiquette
2. Clean up after yourself-Yes we all sweat, but we all have seen and known the person who creates a puddle of sweat and then gets up and walks away…Hello lug nut, don’t do that. You wouldn’t like us coming to your house leaving a puddle of sweat on your couch and then leaving without saying a word. If no one taught you manners consider this a free lesson…be considerate to others, no one wants to clean up the reservoir your have created.
3. Put the weights back- There are all fitness levels at the gym and not everyone is able to lift big plates so when done with a machine, dumbbells or weights just 3. put them back where they go, it’s not hard. You went and got them now just go put them back and make it part of your workout.
4. The know it all- Try to refrain from offering all your wealth of fitness knowledge and leave the training to the trainers. We all have our own goals and ways of doing things so try not to force your ways on someone else.
5. Watch your language- really, it’s completely unimpressive to show off your lack of vocabulary or depth of conversation subjects by cursing and talking dirty, especially around those who may be offended.
6. Share machines- no one has exclusive rights to a machine, let others work in with you. If someone is just sitting on a machine ask nicely if you may work in with them. If they refuse, get a manager to take care of the situation.
7. Be aware of your odor- just because you can stand it doesn’t mean the rest of us can. You know if you are really stinking so go and clean up or throw on some deodorant.
8. Don’t throw weights- throwing weights doesn’t make you stronger and impresses no one. If you want attention where a bright neon shirt otherwise keep everyone safe control your weights or go lighter until you can.
9. Socializing- Keep your personal volume on low; others don’t really want to hear your conversations. If you are working out do us all a favor and leave the cell phone turned off and in a locker!
10. Be respectful- I don’t care how big small old or strong you are…just do your thing and be respectful of the others around you who have also paid money to be there and may not have the same goals, tastes or abilities as you so everyone can have a great workout.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Are You Wearing Your Shoulders Like Earrings?
Ok try this, go look in the mirror and raise your shoulders up towards your ears. Got it? Now say, “I don’t know.” You really don’t know do you.
Lifting your shoulders up towards the ears, while working out, is something most everyone does without realizing, but unless you are doing shoulder shrugs and training your traps you really shouldn’t be popping those shoulders up at all.
Do you really want your neck to hurt when doing exercise? I’m guessing the answer is no, so this is what we need to do. Drop those shoulders back down, keep your head and eyes level and maintain a good posture. Exercise in front of a mirror and watch yourself, not the floor. If you keep from raising the shoulders and trying to wear them like earrings you will put the focus back into the muscles you are trying to work and get more out of your workouts with less discomfort.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Crunch Tips!
Press the low back into the floor as if you are trying to touch your belly button to your spine. Keep your abs tight when crunching up and down, don’t loosen up when you go back down and just flop to the floor.
Continue pressing the belly button into your spine and your low back pressed to the floor. A little trick to get you out of the neck is to bend your head forward and use your chin to hold a tennis ball, a towel or something small between your chin and chest. If you are throwing your head all over the place this is an easy way to keep that head still.
One last thing is to stop going up so far with the movement. Abs are supposed to flex the spine not throw your torso off of the floor. Shorten the motion. If you feel your feet jumping off the floor or moving around you’re throwing from your back and trying to go up too far. If you find you are sitting on your tailbone at the top half of the exercise you are going too far. It is a crunch, not a catapult, just squeeze the abs and keep them tight, up and down, every repetition.
Hope these help!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Resistance Training
Working out with weights helps you firm up the muscles you have and burn the body fat you tend not to want so much of. You can use weights to train for the look you want, whether tight and tone, sleek and fit, or firm and fantastic, but you need to know your body well enough to keep the goals realistic.
Remember training with weights is just one aspect of a well-rounded fitness routine. Stretching, cardio and as always and most importantly, proper nutrition all are just pieces of a fitness puzzle that fit together to create a better and healthier you.
Let a personal trainer teach you the proper way to use weights and don’t worry about “getting big”.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Little Things...
So many times I work with a person who has never been with a personal trainer and they are amazed at how many little things there are to do in an exercise that can make all the difference in how it feels and what type of result they can get. Where we place our hands or how we move our feet, breathing in and out at the wrong time, good posture, all can make a big difference to the success in whatever particular exercise we are doing in the gym.
For the most part we can all be successful engaging in a consistent program of exercise doing basics movements, but as you get more used to what you are doing, you try more weight or more exercises and strive to improve and that is a good thing, however just doing more isn’t always better. Taking the time to learn some finer points to movements you already perform can change your workout and results and re-energize a stagnate routine.
Bear in mind it is wise to get some help when you get to a point in your exercise routine where you just are not sure what to do or how to do it better. You can always find people at the gym, who think they have all the answers, but I would strongly suggest checking with a fitness professional to find out what little things you could do with your form and routine that could make big differences in your fitness level.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Next Level
All are great and reasonable goals, but the majority of us find that we fall short a lot of the time in reaching those goals. You work hard in the gym, you eat right and you are doing your cardio faithfully so why don’t we have what we want? One answer may be that your body is just used to what it is doing. There comes a point in time when you must change the routine to make the body respond. You have to move beyond what you normally do and do something different.
Now that can mean doing less weight and more reps, or walking for longer on the treadmill, scheduling and planning out meals more efficiently…it takes effort, work and consistency. Move to the next level and see if it doesn’t get you moving closer to getting in great shape.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What is Valuable to You?
We all have things in our life we view as valuable but more often than not we don’t place that value on our health and fitness. You think you eat right…you don’t. You think you know what you are doing in the gym, you don’t. You think you do all the right things and work out hard and really…you don’t. The truth is for many people, the value you place on your health and fitness is less than the thought, effort and money you put into your car each month.
It is unfortunate that most don’t find the value of their health a priority until something goes wrong and even then there is a defiance to accept the truth that if you don’t have a healthy life all the other stuff means nothing. We are all guilty of a certain amount of vanity but getting a B-12 shot to lose weight is not the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. No one can simply tell you to find value in something, but do you see a value in examining a healthy lifestyle? You can eat right; you can workout more effectively and you can ask for help, because there are people like me that find a value in seeing you change your life for the better. The only thing is that you have to establish the value it has to you and then treat it with all the respect and care that you would give those other valued objects in your life.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What is the best investment We Can Make?
Each and every one of us makes an investment decision everyday with our own personal fitness. I know there is no price to be put on good health and those who do not have good health know exactly what I am talking about. Keeping yourself fit is the investment that always pays us back in good times and bad. Making the commitment to put time into a fitness routine and the effort to stick to it, even in the more challenging moments, can create a solid foundation for us to face those challenging situations life will throw at us. If our health portfolio is weak it makes the tough times tougher, if the portfolio is strong it can hold us firm as we weather the storm.
When faced with the choice, invest wisely in your health. If you need help then get it and realize anything spent will pay you back all your life. There are no magic pills and there is no magic in doctors that can fix a lifetime of not taking care of the one thing you truly own, your health. The best investment is to be and stay fit for life.