Thursday, August 27, 2009

Make The Decision

The toughest thing about making changes in the gym is the decision to actually make the changes. Until you set it in your mind that you really want to accomplish something, you are going to continue to hit plateaus and not see the progress you hope for with your workout program. The decision is the most important thing because it sets the tone for what you are going to do outside of the gym as well. Just working out a half an hour three day a week is a good start, but fitness is a lifestyle that adds to the quality of your life. You need to make a decision to exercise on a daily basis and eat right then stay to it even when you want to take that little detour from the main course. If you workout with a trainer they can assist you to get where you want to go by providing the road map, but you need to decide to follow that direction and not take your own short cuts. Deciding to look, feel, do, or be a certain way and then committing to the process is the first and hardest step in getting to a greater level in your physical well being. Make the decision to start today!