Friday, August 7, 2009

A Unique Fitness Challenge For A Good Cause

Fitness is all about meeting new challenges and overcoming them. Whether you are faced with a challenge of losing 10 lbs or trying to lift 100 lbs, we step up and match ourselves against something that seems, at that moment, unmovable and sometimes daunting. You talk to yourself and you hear all the reasons why you can’t overcome this obstacle but there you are at the gym getting on a treadmill or picking up a weight.

We are all at different levels and face these challenges in different ways, but the appreciation here comes in knowing that while someone might be at a different level than you are, they are still striving to better themselves. Other times we have challenges that honestly we cannot face alone. We need a someone to teach us how to eat right so losing that 10 lbs becomes more manageable or we need a spotter to stand over and make sure when we try to lift that 100 lbs we don’t get stuck underneath it. It does not mean we are weak, it is just a place we are unable to manage by ourselves and this becomes an opportunity for others to share the challenge with you and help you get better.

I say all of that because a friend of mine has taken up a fitness challenge of her own. It is not a challenge so much focused on her, as it is a challenge to help others. She has committed to do the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk. We have all known someone touched by cancer such as friends or family or even being challenged with it yourself, so we all know this is one of those challenges that people need a spotter, teacher or even more importantly a friend to help them through it all. This is challenge is greater than losing 10 lbs or trying to lift 100 lbs, this is life.

My friend, Christina, is not a marathon runner, she is not a bodybuilder, she is a single, working mom who wanted to help make a difference in lives by taking up a fitness challenge for a cause. Walking for three days in a row for a total of 60 miles is daunting if you have never done it. She will be sore, but she will push through because of her commitment of wanting to help. She will get tired but she will keep going because she knows the people she walks for are tired too and may not be able to walk right now.

My question and challenge to you is can you appreciate the commitment and effort that Christina is putting forth for others she knows are faced with life and death challenges.
Can you understand what it takes to make it through an hour in the gym doing what you do to maintain your fitness level and then translate that to walking 60 miles in three days…not for you, but for complete strangers. Let’s bring that home a bit…not a stranger but your sisters, cousins, aunts, mothers, grandmothers…what if they were stricken with the challenge of Breast Cancer? How much more would you appreciate what people do in these three days to raise money and awareness if it directly affected you or your family?

If you can appreciate and do appreciate the effort, the desire and the compassion, take a look at the following link: You will make your own choices from there but if you can, know that any support given is truly appreciated and helps us find a cure for breast cancer.

This challenge is not about losing 10 lbs or lifting enormous weights or trying to look like a fitness model it is about the over all well being and health we all get one shot at having. We are given the opportunity to promote our best health and this makes us all the more aware of what it is like for people struggling with their own health.
Help where you can and like my friend make a commitment to something beyond the gym and beyond you. Know what it means to be part of a real fitness community; one that supports not just your health but one that supports your family.

Good Shoes

Do not under estimate what a good pair of shoes can do for your fitness. Think about it, you are on your feet all day if you do not take care to make them comfortable your performance will suffer even from the basic stand point of comfort. Taking the time and effort and yes, spending a few extra dollars for the right pair of shoes can make a difference to more than just your feet. Creating a balance and proper weight distribution can save your ankles, knees, hips, low back, shoulders and even your neck from feeling the effects of discomfort and possible injury.
Is it possible that the wrong shoes can cause your back to hurt? Absolutely yes! If you are a runner finding the right pair of running shoes will not only change your performance but make you feel brand new when you are done pounding the pavement. All of us no matter what type of athlete we are need to take care of our feet and protect them with proper wear so that those feet don’t wear out on us.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bored with Cardio?

Doing a steady cardio routine whether it is walking on a treadmill, running, using an elliptical machine, Stairmaster or whatever you do is great, but after a while can become stale. If you don’t vary the routine, your body adapts to what you do and it settles ‘in’ so to speak.

Once your body gets used to doing the same thing over and over, you fail to get all the benefits you can from your cardio.

So how about we mix it up a bit?

Look at it like buying a new pair of shoes. At first they might not bend or move as easily as you would like but after wearing them for a while they start to break in and move with you a bit easier until eventually those new shoes feel like slippers….oh that feels so good.

So let’s just look at cardio in a similar way. Try varying the pace of your cardio and do some interval training twice a week or try a machine you do not normally use. If you are used to going fast try going slower but at a different incline to change resistance. If you are a runner, try walking. Basically try on a new machine, movement or pace (aka new pair of shoes) a couple of times a week and mix up your cardio to keep your mind, body and workouts fresh.

The Plank

The Plank, also known as a Bridge is what I consider to be a foundational exercise. Simply this is an exercise that you will use to strengthen your core and incorporate into almost every other exercise you do. Looking at the movement it seems and is very simple. The trick is how to incorporate all your core muscles and maintain the position for certain periods of time and or how many times you can do the move. While it looks simple it can be challenging.

This exercise will develop strength in your core, shoulders and arms. It can be a challenging exercise that once you master will give you greater strength and stability in your abdominal region and lower back and help you perform almost every other exercise you do.

Target areas: Abdominals and spinal erectors

Secondary target areas: Chest, Back, Legs, Arms, Shoulders

How do you do the Plank?
  • Lying flat on your stomach;

  • Arms at the side of the body bent at the elbows so that your hands are directly under your shoulders

  • Toes are on the floor directly under the heel

  • Tighten your abs and lift your body so that your upper arms are at a 90 degree angle to the floor and you are balancing on your forearms and toes.

  • Elbows should be directly under shoulders

  • Your body while raised from the ground should form a straight line from head to toe

  • Keep the whole body tight and continue to breathe while holding yourself up for 10 seconds