We all need a fresh start now and again. Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day and the avalanche of “things we need to do” in our lives that we forget what we need to do. The idea of starting over can be overwhelming and many of us simply bury the past and try to build on top of it. It creates a weak foundation. This is true of any fitness routine but can also apply many aspects of life. Sometimes we just need that fresh new start to try and get things right. When we played as kids and something didn’t go right in a game or a sport we could simply say “do over” and restart from that point. We didn’t forget all that had happened before we simply took that moment and tried to realize a better result from it by starting over. So with fitness as well as with life I think we all need a “do over” from time to time.
Maybe it is a fitness routine you need to begin or begin again…maybe you messed it things up so many times before you are afraid to revisit that idea or go farther with what you do know. Maybe it is your work or the kids or a relationship, it really doesn’t matter because all of it contributes to your over all health. Look, there are some things we do right and we don’t forget them we just need to take a fresh look at those good things and bad and make sure it works the way it should. The pace of an exercise, the time you do it, the frequency of that exercise, all can be changed to gather a different result. The point is starting over, “doing it over”, gives us an opportunity to grow, learn and move ahead. If it is simply exercise we are talking about and losing weight, that is an easy fix but for some maybe fitness goes a bit deeper than just the superficial. It is not all about the body…it is your mind and your spirit that may need a do over and all those elements coming together make all the difference in your health. Take a moment and forgive yourself any mistakes and just say “do over” and try this again with a mindset and a commitment to doing it right and making it through the rough parts this time and getting to the goal you really want. It isn’t just about powering through one exercise or some type of pain or discomfort in one aspect of life, it is about have a fulfilling life of health and joy and learning that no matter what you have attempted in the past and think you failed in accomplishing, that you can go back and have the success you desire.
Our fitness lives can be very rewarding if we apply ourselves, but look beyond that and know we are not just how we look. There is much more to being healthy than the look. So whether it is something you are working on at this moment, from yesterday, last week, last year or more, if you don’t have a peace about it you need to say “do over” and give yourself the chance to succeed and get things right for your health and balanced well being.