What is a “hard gainer?” Well if you are one, it needs no explanation, but where most are trying to lose weight and struggle with that process there are those of us that have a hard time gaining weight. Let me qualify that…good, lean weight. Some people are just blessed with a high metabolism and a thin frame and look. Many times these folks would like to gain a bit of size and add to their shape but find it difficult to do so. It is challenging because it means, just as for someone trying to lose weight that a person needs to step out of what they know or think they know to accomplish this goal.
Being dedicated to a particular goal means making choices to fulfill your desire. As long as the desire is a healthy one and you can keep a perspective and a balance to your goals you can move in a direction that takes you to them. So in trying to gain size and weight first and foremost your eating habits would have to change. You must eat balanced and healthy and depending on your circumstance you must eat a fair amount of food. You do not gorge yourself but you eat smart directed toward gaining healthy weight and size fueling the body to make positives gains in lean muscle weight and still maintain a good body fat percentage.
You should change your routine if you are trying to gain size. There are all kinds of power routines and suggestions to get you size and while they might work for some people they may not be best for you. Find what works for you or talk to a trainer with some experience in this area. Yes you may have to lift heavy but not as often and not for as many sets or reps as you are trying now. Trying to gain means giving your body what it needs to recover from strenuous workouts. Plenty or rest between sessions and not overtraining body parts makes for greater gains along with proper nutrition.
Exercising doesn’t mean just lifting weights, it means doing things smart. There are many schools of thought here but mine is from the inside out. Eat well lift right. I see many young men trying to “get big” and doing things that in the long run will hurt them. Exercising to get big still requires form and thinking to make solid lasting gains in size without getting hurt. Hard gainers will find moving up in size, quality size, is hard work, but very rewarding. Remember that getting size for size sake is not just about gaining weight. It is about creating a healthy balance between what your body naturally does and what goals you establish yourself based on those factors.
So think about this if you are thin and find it hard gaining weight. Learn what foods do for you if you eat well. Learn how to lift to accomplish your goals safely and remember you are blessed with a good body you just want to move it to the next level. If you want to be a bodybuilder that is fine…learn what that takes naturally because it IS NOT about taking a shot! There are no short cuts just good ole fashion hard workouts.