We all take the time to read the fitness articles and look at the pictures in the magazines, but it is all put there to inspire and motivate you to get off of your backside and do something. We have gotten so used to looking at magazines or turning on the TV and watching sports, coaching from our arm chair, and then catching highlights on sports news shows, that the only things getting in shape on us are our thumbs and eyeballs. Somehow yelling at the TV becomes exercise and looking at pictures and reading articles somehow magically transfers to us and keeps us in shape. These articles, these pictures, all this info is for you to use, to actually do. You have to get in the game. Fitness is not making a wish or taking a pill or watching what you eat for a couple of weeks. Books, TV, magazines all are wonderful if you use what you learn from them. Get up, get moving, and put all your mental effort and talk of “wanting to do something” into motion. Don’t be the coach on the side line who has the 50” waist and tells people how to get into shape. It doesn’t matter how much you know or don’t know…if you have a fitness knowledge base, great, go get’um tiger!!! If not, great, there is plenty of info to get you started, just start. If you don’t get in the game how can you have any fun, so up an at’em and start making an effort at moving and getting into shape.
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