We all need a fresh start now and again. Sometimes we get so caught up in the day to day and the avalanche of “things we need to do” in our lives that we forget what we need to do. The idea of starting over can be overwhelming and many of us simply bury the past and try to build on top of it. It creates a weak foundation. This is true of any fitness routine but can also apply many aspects of life. Sometimes we just need that fresh new start to try and get things right. When we played as kids and something didn’t go right in a game or a sport we could simply say “do over” and restart from that point. We didn’t forget all that had happened before we simply took that moment and tried to realize a better result from it by starting over. So with fitness as well as with life I think we all need a “do over” from time to time.
Maybe it is a fitness routine you need to begin or begin again…maybe you messed it things up so many times before you are afraid to revisit that idea or go farther with what you do know. Maybe it is your work or the kids or a relationship, it really doesn’t matter because all of it contributes to your over all health. Look, there are some things we do right and we don’t forget them we just need to take a fresh look at those good things and bad and make sure it works the way it should. The pace of an exercise, the time you do it, the frequency of that exercise, all can be changed to gather a different result. The point is starting over, “doing it over”, gives us an opportunity to grow, learn and move ahead. If it is simply exercise we are talking about and losing weight, that is an easy fix but for some maybe fitness goes a bit deeper than just the superficial. It is not all about the body…it is your mind and your spirit that may need a do over and all those elements coming together make all the difference in your health. Take a moment and forgive yourself any mistakes and just say “do over” and try this again with a mindset and a commitment to doing it right and making it through the rough parts this time and getting to the goal you really want. It isn’t just about powering through one exercise or some type of pain or discomfort in one aspect of life, it is about have a fulfilling life of health and joy and learning that no matter what you have attempted in the past and think you failed in accomplishing, that you can go back and have the success you desire.
Our fitness lives can be very rewarding if we apply ourselves, but look beyond that and know we are not just how we look. There is much more to being healthy than the look. So whether it is something you are working on at this moment, from yesterday, last week, last year or more, if you don’t have a peace about it you need to say “do over” and give yourself the chance to succeed and get things right for your health and balanced well being.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Get on The Ball
People are always looking for new ways to do things, trying to keep up with the latest and greatest innovations with the thinking that latest gadgets and gizmo's will be the way to get them into shape. This might work for some and that is fine, but for a lot of folks out there the simple tried and true will work best for them without having to buy some crazy piece of equipment. We all want to avoid the boredom that can, sooner or later, creep into a fitness routine so looking for that variation in routine to stimulate change and keep our interests is totally understandable.
No matter the type of exerciser you are one of the best things you can do for a stale routine is get on the ball, literally.Exercise balls are one of the best pieces of equipment that you can use and buy. Everything you do on a machine, every muscle you used can be tested and worked out on a ball or a movement using a ball. The challenge for most folks is getting over their fear because the ball moves. It rolls, it bounces, it is not as stable as sitting on a 200-500lbs. machine to do a leg press but really, that is the point.
Using the ball for your routine will force you to use your core muscles (ones you don't even see) to stabilize the ball and yourself as you do an exercise. This will present new challenges to the same old movements you already know. Don't panic, start simple. Try just sitting on the ball with some dumbbells and do some curls and or lateral raises or just put the weights on the floor and try doing some crunches on the ball. All the "fancy" moves are just moves you do all the time but on a stable surface so you can work up to them as you build confidence. Still not feeling too secure? If you have stability issues definitely take your time, but know this is something you can do even if you need to get someone to help you in the beginning. Ask a trainer at a gym to help you and if doing this at home, then just practice sitting on the ball until you get a feel for it. Brace you feet against something stable so you wont roll around as much as you think you might. You will be surprised how quickly you can adapt to the being on the ball and the boost that it can give to the same old dull routine.
No matter the type of exerciser you are one of the best things you can do for a stale routine is get on the ball, literally.Exercise balls are one of the best pieces of equipment that you can use and buy. Everything you do on a machine, every muscle you used can be tested and worked out on a ball or a movement using a ball. The challenge for most folks is getting over their fear because the ball moves. It rolls, it bounces, it is not as stable as sitting on a 200-500lbs. machine to do a leg press but really, that is the point.
Using the ball for your routine will force you to use your core muscles (ones you don't even see) to stabilize the ball and yourself as you do an exercise. This will present new challenges to the same old movements you already know. Don't panic, start simple. Try just sitting on the ball with some dumbbells and do some curls and or lateral raises or just put the weights on the floor and try doing some crunches on the ball. All the "fancy" moves are just moves you do all the time but on a stable surface so you can work up to them as you build confidence. Still not feeling too secure? If you have stability issues definitely take your time, but know this is something you can do even if you need to get someone to help you in the beginning. Ask a trainer at a gym to help you and if doing this at home, then just practice sitting on the ball until you get a feel for it. Brace you feet against something stable so you wont roll around as much as you think you might. You will be surprised how quickly you can adapt to the being on the ball and the boost that it can give to the same old dull routine.
Monday, October 5, 2009
10 Things To Do

Are you trying to lose weight or “get in shape”, stay in shape or just want to feel better about yourself physically? If you are reading this I would guess the answer is yes. I hear it all the time, I get asked all the time, “what should I do; what could I do?” The answers are simple but you have to do them. You wouldn’t be looking, searching, or asking if what you are doing for yourself now was working so stop doing what you think is the right thing and try these 10 things.
1. Don’t skip meals- If you are skipping meals you lose, period. You need eat 4-6 times a day, healthy balanced meals, which include carbs, proteins and fat. If you think you eat right and you don’t see results guess what…you need to change how you eat.
2. Stop obsessing over scale weight- People see that number on the scale and they have a moment of euphoria or prolonged feeling of deep depression. It is a number, a tool you can use to make assessments and changes to your routine. It does not define who and what you are like you think it does. Go find out your body fat percentage and learn the difference between fat loss and weight loss.
3. Get off your butt- Start moving. Burn some calories, go for a walk, lift a couple of gallons of milk in the house, it doesn’t matter just get off the couch and burn some calories.
4. Sleep a solid 8- If you are not getting enough rest your body cannot function properly. It screws up everything. Let your body take the time it needs to recover from workouts and everyday daily stress. If you don’t get good sleep chances are you will have a tough time losing pounds the way you would like or even gaining them if that is your goal.
5. Drink water- Really…your body is made up of mostly water. Your cells and muscles all mostly water. Do yourself a huge favor and learn to drink at least the daily recommended 8 glasses. Sip from the time you get up in the morning and throughout the day until you hit the sheets again.
6. Get a trainer- You might think I say this because I am a trainer…you are right. I know what a good trainer can help you accomplish. You want to see some real changes or get some new things to do that will help you reach a goal then suck it up buttercup and get a trainer.
7. Stop the fad diets- Man oh man I read more diet books than I really care to. I have to just to answer questions people have about these fad diets. These things have a short life. They may work for awhile in some cases, but most are not so healthy. Be smart, read up on diets before just doing one you hear about, ask a professional what they think of them and be careful fad diets are just that…fads, they don’t last and neither do results.
8. Shop healthy- Shop the perimeter of the store…most all the other stuff in the middle of the store is the stuff that adds unwanted pounds. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, fish, dairy and whole grains are best. All the processed stuff you need to try and avoid. I know its good but it is bad too.
9. Lift weights- You don’t have to lift heavy weights or be a power lifter or bodybuilder but you need to challenge your muscles with some resistance. You will get more benefit from just a little weight lifting than if you did just cardio all the time by itself.
10. Make the time- Don’t have the time? All these suggestions sound good but you can’t do all that… “W”-whatever. You need to make a decision as to what you want. Keep complaining about how bad you look and feel and blame everything and everyone else or make the time to give to yourself something that will improve the quality of your life. Make the time to do the right things for you.
1. Don’t skip meals- If you are skipping meals you lose, period. You need eat 4-6 times a day, healthy balanced meals, which include carbs, proteins and fat. If you think you eat right and you don’t see results guess what…you need to change how you eat.
2. Stop obsessing over scale weight- People see that number on the scale and they have a moment of euphoria or prolonged feeling of deep depression. It is a number, a tool you can use to make assessments and changes to your routine. It does not define who and what you are like you think it does. Go find out your body fat percentage and learn the difference between fat loss and weight loss.
3. Get off your butt- Start moving. Burn some calories, go for a walk, lift a couple of gallons of milk in the house, it doesn’t matter just get off the couch and burn some calories.
4. Sleep a solid 8- If you are not getting enough rest your body cannot function properly. It screws up everything. Let your body take the time it needs to recover from workouts and everyday daily stress. If you don’t get good sleep chances are you will have a tough time losing pounds the way you would like or even gaining them if that is your goal.
5. Drink water- Really…your body is made up of mostly water. Your cells and muscles all mostly water. Do yourself a huge favor and learn to drink at least the daily recommended 8 glasses. Sip from the time you get up in the morning and throughout the day until you hit the sheets again.
6. Get a trainer- You might think I say this because I am a trainer…you are right. I know what a good trainer can help you accomplish. You want to see some real changes or get some new things to do that will help you reach a goal then suck it up buttercup and get a trainer.
7. Stop the fad diets- Man oh man I read more diet books than I really care to. I have to just to answer questions people have about these fad diets. These things have a short life. They may work for awhile in some cases, but most are not so healthy. Be smart, read up on diets before just doing one you hear about, ask a professional what they think of them and be careful fad diets are just that…fads, they don’t last and neither do results.
8. Shop healthy- Shop the perimeter of the store…most all the other stuff in the middle of the store is the stuff that adds unwanted pounds. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, fish, dairy and whole grains are best. All the processed stuff you need to try and avoid. I know its good but it is bad too.
9. Lift weights- You don’t have to lift heavy weights or be a power lifter or bodybuilder but you need to challenge your muscles with some resistance. You will get more benefit from just a little weight lifting than if you did just cardio all the time by itself.
10. Make the time- Don’t have the time? All these suggestions sound good but you can’t do all that… “W”-whatever. You need to make a decision as to what you want. Keep complaining about how bad you look and feel and blame everything and everyone else or make the time to give to yourself something that will improve the quality of your life. Make the time to do the right things for you.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Hard Gainers
What is a “hard gainer?” Well if you are one, it needs no explanation, but where most are trying to lose weight and struggle with that process there are those of us that have a hard time gaining weight. Let me qualify that…good, lean weight. Some people are just blessed with a high metabolism and a thin frame and look. Many times these folks would like to gain a bit of size and add to their shape but find it difficult to do so. It is challenging because it means, just as for someone trying to lose weight that a person needs to step out of what they know or think they know to accomplish this goal.
Being dedicated to a particular goal means making choices to fulfill your desire. As long as the desire is a healthy one and you can keep a perspective and a balance to your goals you can move in a direction that takes you to them. So in trying to gain size and weight first and foremost your eating habits would have to change. You must eat balanced and healthy and depending on your circumstance you must eat a fair amount of food. You do not gorge yourself but you eat smart directed toward gaining healthy weight and size fueling the body to make positives gains in lean muscle weight and still maintain a good body fat percentage.
You should change your routine if you are trying to gain size. There are all kinds of power routines and suggestions to get you size and while they might work for some people they may not be best for you. Find what works for you or talk to a trainer with some experience in this area. Yes you may have to lift heavy but not as often and not for as many sets or reps as you are trying now. Trying to gain means giving your body what it needs to recover from strenuous workouts. Plenty or rest between sessions and not overtraining body parts makes for greater gains along with proper nutrition.
Exercising doesn’t mean just lifting weights, it means doing things smart. There are many schools of thought here but mine is from the inside out. Eat well lift right. I see many young men trying to “get big” and doing things that in the long run will hurt them. Exercising to get big still requires form and thinking to make solid lasting gains in size without getting hurt. Hard gainers will find moving up in size, quality size, is hard work, but very rewarding. Remember that getting size for size sake is not just about gaining weight. It is about creating a healthy balance between what your body naturally does and what goals you establish yourself based on those factors.
So think about this if you are thin and find it hard gaining weight. Learn what foods do for you if you eat well. Learn how to lift to accomplish your goals safely and remember you are blessed with a good body you just want to move it to the next level. If you want to be a bodybuilder that is fine…learn what that takes naturally because it IS NOT about taking a shot! There are no short cuts just good ole fashion hard workouts.
Being dedicated to a particular goal means making choices to fulfill your desire. As long as the desire is a healthy one and you can keep a perspective and a balance to your goals you can move in a direction that takes you to them. So in trying to gain size and weight first and foremost your eating habits would have to change. You must eat balanced and healthy and depending on your circumstance you must eat a fair amount of food. You do not gorge yourself but you eat smart directed toward gaining healthy weight and size fueling the body to make positives gains in lean muscle weight and still maintain a good body fat percentage.
You should change your routine if you are trying to gain size. There are all kinds of power routines and suggestions to get you size and while they might work for some people they may not be best for you. Find what works for you or talk to a trainer with some experience in this area. Yes you may have to lift heavy but not as often and not for as many sets or reps as you are trying now. Trying to gain means giving your body what it needs to recover from strenuous workouts. Plenty or rest between sessions and not overtraining body parts makes for greater gains along with proper nutrition.
Exercising doesn’t mean just lifting weights, it means doing things smart. There are many schools of thought here but mine is from the inside out. Eat well lift right. I see many young men trying to “get big” and doing things that in the long run will hurt them. Exercising to get big still requires form and thinking to make solid lasting gains in size without getting hurt. Hard gainers will find moving up in size, quality size, is hard work, but very rewarding. Remember that getting size for size sake is not just about gaining weight. It is about creating a healthy balance between what your body naturally does and what goals you establish yourself based on those factors.
So think about this if you are thin and find it hard gaining weight. Learn what foods do for you if you eat well. Learn how to lift to accomplish your goals safely and remember you are blessed with a good body you just want to move it to the next level. If you want to be a bodybuilder that is fine…learn what that takes naturally because it IS NOT about taking a shot! There are no short cuts just good ole fashion hard workouts.
prime training online,
weight lifting
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sometimes we have to take a moment to step back and look at things from a different perspective. We get so used to thinking, talking and seeing ourselves in a certain way that we can lose sight of who we are and what we have in our lives. Fitness and the ability to try and keep ourselves in shape are an absolute privilege and blessing. Many of the expectations we place on ourselves are based on some pretty vain and many times, ridiculous standards and we forget about health and just look for the beauty aspect and benefits of it all. So it is important to remember that while it is nice to have six pack abs there are those out there who do not always get to share in that experience.
Labor Day weekend for me is all about that perspective on life and the blessing I have physically. Since I was a boy I have watched the Jerry Lewis Telethon for MDA and I have always been moved by the efforts to help people with Muscular Dystrophies so much so, that it shaped the major decisions in my life in what I do and what I can do with my abilities to help others learn, participate and be successful at making a healthier life. You may not enjoy the show, you may not like the host, you don’t even have to watch but I hope you won’t let that rob you of a chance to gain or regain some balance in your thinking about having the good fortune to be able to move as you do.
There are so many great organizations that are out there that try to help people. So many causes we almost can become numb to them all. Try to remember it isn’t just about the money these organizations raise; it is about helping your friends, your families and your communities. All of us can be affected with muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer or a host of other things at any time so it does matter to us all. Be aware of your opportunity to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and having a body that responds to you the way it does. If you want to donate…do it! You waste more money on other things that never give back and you know it, but if you do not want to donate I hope you do gain a perspective on all you have in life, what is most important and for those things… you are thankful.
Labor Day weekend for me is all about that perspective on life and the blessing I have physically. Since I was a boy I have watched the Jerry Lewis Telethon for MDA and I have always been moved by the efforts to help people with Muscular Dystrophies so much so, that it shaped the major decisions in my life in what I do and what I can do with my abilities to help others learn, participate and be successful at making a healthier life. You may not enjoy the show, you may not like the host, you don’t even have to watch but I hope you won’t let that rob you of a chance to gain or regain some balance in your thinking about having the good fortune to be able to move as you do.
There are so many great organizations that are out there that try to help people. So many causes we almost can become numb to them all. Try to remember it isn’t just about the money these organizations raise; it is about helping your friends, your families and your communities. All of us can be affected with muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer or a host of other things at any time so it does matter to us all. Be aware of your opportunity to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and having a body that responds to you the way it does. If you want to donate…do it! You waste more money on other things that never give back and you know it, but if you do not want to donate I hope you do gain a perspective on all you have in life, what is most important and for those things… you are thankful.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Make The Decision
The toughest thing about making changes in the gym is the decision to actually make the changes. Until you set it in your mind that you really want to accomplish something, you are going to continue to hit plateaus and not see the progress you hope for with your workout program. The decision is the most important thing because it sets the tone for what you are going to do outside of the gym as well. Just working out a half an hour three day a week is a good start, but fitness is a lifestyle that adds to the quality of your life. You need to make a decision to exercise on a daily basis and eat right then stay to it even when you want to take that little detour from the main course. If you workout with a trainer they can assist you to get where you want to go by providing the road map, but you need to decide to follow that direction and not take your own short cuts. Deciding to look, feel, do, or be a certain way and then committing to the process is the first and hardest step in getting to a greater level in your physical well being. Make the decision to start today!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Age Doesn't Matter

It is my belief that age doesn’t matter when it comes to participating in physical fitness activities. Now of course at different ages that means different activities. Not all 90 year olds are going to train like a bodybuilder nor would they want to I am sure, but the fact of the matter is that age doesn’t matter, the body wants to move. Consider that from the time you are born and throughout our lives everything we do with our bodies is simply movement education. Very simply put, our movements get better and better because we learn how to move our bodies. As babies we learn to crawl; as kids, walk and run and as adults we learn to maintain all those skills and in some cases learn to walk again. Teaching ourselves to accommodate our ages, we adapt to ailments and injuries and try to improve our fitness thru movements. We are constantly learning how to move to make ourselves better no matter age 6 or 60 and up! Don’t be intimidated by your own thinking. Remember there are many ways to engage your body and keep fit that are not so intimidating and allow you to feel good about yourself. There really is something for everyone. I hope you will continue to look to Primetrainingonline.com for exercises, programs, tips, hints, inspiration and motivation to keep you moving and keep you fit no matter your age!
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